CB or Citizens Band radio is a great tool for outdoor communication, especially under harsh weather conditions or in an emergency situation. CB radios can get expensive, but do not let that scare you off. If you need a high-quality CB radio for a low price, the top choice is the Midland 5001Z Mobile CB. With a switchable noise filter and 40 channels, this CB radio is the best budget option.
While it is useful, CB technology is not at its peak in popularity. Depending on where you live or travel with a CB radio, you may not find as many broadcasts across the channels. If you are a trucker or spend a lot of time outdoors, it could be a very useful tool for communication. If you simply want to communicate with a particular target and can’t rely on phone signals, a two-way radio device such as a walkie-talkie might be better suited to the task. If you want to know more about CB radios in general, check out the BestReviews buying guide.
If you will be keeping the CB device in your car, radio size is important. If you have plenty of space in a truck, this may not be your biggest concern, but for smaller vehicles or anyone without much room, a compact radio is necessary and, unfortunately, more expensive. CB radios that pack the necessary functions into a very small frame can cost more money, especially for stylish models. However, there are compact CB radios that are budget-friendly and do not take up much space.
If you want to tap into the NOAA weather broadcasts for emergency information, some CB radios have that function, but not all of them. Most CB radio devices can access channel 9 emergency broadcasts. If you are a survivalist or want a radio that can help you in an emergency situation, find a model that has access to all the emergency signals you need.
Newer, high-end CB radios sometimes have Bluetooth functionality or other features. Budget CB radios also have extra functions to consider, even if they are not as high tech. Some CB units have a PA function allowing for broadcasting over a speaker. Sometimes, a CB radio has a built-in noise-filtering feature. This can be automated or manually controlled, letting users adjust their settings and cut down on static to get clear sound.
Many people share CB channels, so it potentially could be difficult to find a channel where there are no ongoing signals. Good CB radios scan channels for broadcasts and help you find a clear channel or find people already talking. The best CB radios have simple buttons and switches to allow for greater precision, such as adjusting RF gain to maximize your reception distance.
The best CB radios have antennas made of fiberglass or metal material for good signal reception, even at longer distances. Some CB radios have SWR meters built in that help to measure the performance and tuning of the antenna.
Expensive CB radios run up to $300, but you can find solid budget options with plenty of features for less than $100.
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Where to buy: Amazon.
What you need to know:
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Radioddity CB-27 Mini CB Radio
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Where to buy: Amazon.
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Elliott Rivette writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.