No matter how unpredictable the weather is, travelers can always depend on a dry sack for multipurpose use. Dry sacks have been around for decades to provide a separate place to store items that need to be kept dry. This item has many different styles, but the best dry sacks provide optimal storage while being waterproof. In pursuit of the perfect dry sack for travel, buyers should consider the material, how the sack closes and the size.
If you are looking for a high-quality dry sack that is easily packable, waterproof and has the best features, the Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bag is the top choice.
Dry sacks are typically made with nylon or vinyl and are coated to be waterproof. PVC vinyl bags are thicker than nylon and are very durable. This material is naturally waterproof and does not require a coating. On the other hand, nylon bags coated with silicone or polyurethane are very lightweight and flexible. These bags are the most compactable and portable due to their material. The waterproof coating can get worn over time and they are less durable than vinyl bags.
Consider purchasing a sack with safe and durable closure to ensure your items stay dry and protected. If the sack features a roll-top closure, it will allow you to fold three times and secure with a clip. This makes the item easier to carry. Dry sacks that feature zipper closures have extra pockets and are easier to maneuver than roll-top sacks. Although zip-secured dry sack bags are simply designed, they do not contain the additional layers of protection that roll-top sacks have and are more difficult to fix if broken.
It does not matter what kind of items you put in your dry sack because sizes are always measured in liters. Small dry sacks fit 2 liters, while the most oversized dry sacks can fit 100 liters. It is crucial to consider the size of the dry sack per your needs. If the trip you are taking requires more storage and separation of wet and dry items, opt for a larger dry sack. Before purchasing a large sack, make sure the amount of space you have to store the item is enough. Consider a small, lightweight dry sack if you're only traveling for the afternoon and will not bring many items.
A great dry sack for travel is waterproof. The product description on the website will tell you whether the sack material is naturally waterproof or if the bag was coated with a substance to make it waterproof. Waterproof bags may wear over time as coated ones can lose their coating. Look for dry sacks with tightly taped seams and stitching to ensure no liquid will get in or out of the sack.
Small bags are handheld, while those over 5 liters feature a shoulder strap. Good dry sacks for travel have straps that contain adjustable padding to provide maximum comfort for the shoulders. Sacks heavier than 30 pounds are worn like a backpack and possibly have a waist strap for added support and weight leverage.
Pockets are essential for those who will be traveling for a longer period and distance. A good dry sack features multiple places to store objects of various sizes. These compartments should be waterproof and separate from the main sack compartment. You can use interior pockets to store essential items such as keys, while exterior pockets are best used for bulkier items like a water bottle to save space inside the sack. Some dry sacks come with pockets you can attach. For example, the Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bag comes with a separate waterproof phone case you can put in the dry sack.
Dry sacks for travel range in price depending on the quality of material and the features. A small bag with thin fabric is $15-20, while a high-quality dry sack is around $30-$60. Midrange products use quality fabrics but possibly contain fewer features than high-end sacks.
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AmazonSea to Summit Lightweight Dry Sack
What you need to know:
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Where to buy: Amazon, Backcountry and Dick's Sporting Goods
What you need to know:
What you’ll love:
What you should consider:
Where to buy:Amazon and Dick's Sporting Goods
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Logan DeLoye writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.