If you own an RV, it’s vital that you understand how to use RV antifreeze. As RVs continue to rise in popularity, there are a growing number of RV antifreeze brands to choose from, but which one is best? Splash RV/Marine Antifreeze is both popular and effective. Still, there are many other RV antifreeze brands out there that can get the job done.
Automotive antifreeze is typically incredibly toxic and used in your engine’s cooling system. As temperatures change from hot to cold, automotive antifreeze helps regulate your engine’s temperature and prevent corrosion. Alternatively, RV antifreeze is a non-toxic substance that keeps your RV’s plumbing system from freezing in cold temperatures.
It’s incredibly important that you never attempt to use automotive antifreeze in your RV’s plumbing system, as the fumes could be fatal to you and your family. Likewise, you should never attempt to use RV antifreeze in your vehicle’s engine, as it may damage your vehicle.
If you don’t want to winterize your RV yourself, you can always pay a professional to do it for you. Many RV dealerships will winterize your RV for you for a fee. If you prefer to have a professional winterize your RV, give your local RV dealerships a call to see if they offer winterization services.
Some RV antifreeze brands charge exorbitant prices for their fluid. However, most RV antifreeze costs between $15-$30 a gallon and are more than adequate to get the job done.
With around four gallons of RV antifreeze, you can winterize your RV or trailer for two winter seasons. When buying RV antifreeze, consider buying two or four gallons at a time, as they will likely be cheaper per gallon.
Most RV antifreeze can be used in swimming pools or marine vehicles as well as your RV. If you want to get the most bang for your buck and own a boat or swimming pool, it’s a good idea to buy RV antifreeze that has multiple uses.
Most RV antifreeze costs around $15-$30 per gallon. If you buy RV antifreeze in bulk, you can expect to pay around $12-$17 per gallon.
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Where to buy: Amazon
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Where to buy: Amazon
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