Collette Bliss

Collette Bliss

Colette Bliss (she/her) is a recent college graduate and a perpetual student who uses her refined research methods to discover and share the best products with the public. Somewhat of a minimalist, she believes that finding quality multifunctional products can facilitate an unencumbered lifestyle. When she is not researching and writing product reviews, she enjoys reading literature, exploring the outdoors, and spending time with her husband John and cat Reyla.
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The best fairy garden door
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Which fairy garden door is best?Did you see something twinkle in the corner of your eye? Hear a faint giggle in the middle of the woods? Have you noticed the flowers are…
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What layer cake pan is the best?For many people, paying the local celebrity cake artist for a cake that shoots fireworks isn’t feasible. Baking at home is a great way to…
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Which quilt racks are best?Quilts are a classic, beautiful and cozy addition to any home, but they can be difficult to store. If you tuck them away in a box or tote, then…