Peter McGuthrie

Peter McGuthrie

Peter McGuthrie (he/they) is a writer covering a wide range of topics including household goods, electronics, musical instruments, and other day-to-day technologies. Originally from the Bay Area, he has covered electric vehicles, space exploration, and a wide range of new clean energy news subjects. Peter holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and he draws on his academic background when researching and writing about products and services that help people thrive.
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Which Finding Nemo posters are best? “Finding Nemo” is a well-loved film from Pixar, and for that reason, a number of posters depicting characters from the film can be…
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Which wreath storage is best? Most holiday decorations require the buyer to think about how they’ll store the items for the several months of the year they won’t be in…
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Which Christmas tree ribbon is best? The Christmas season usually comes with a wide range of exciting decorations, and if you follow all the classic traditions, a Christmas…