Steve Ganger

Steve Ganger

Steve Ganger (he/him) has just about seen it all. A long career in the corporate world exposed him to multiple industries and product lines where high-quality manufacturing and dedicated support were essential. An even longer career as a college professor led to a love of research and sorting through complex information. He writes on many subjects but gravitates toward healthcare, fitness, and sports equipment.
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How to patch your roof in winter
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The best time to inspect and repair your roof is before snow, sleet and ice arrive. Finding places to patch ahead of time makes the job easier, but still comes with important…
Best racquetball ball
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What is the best racquetball ball? Racquetball is a popular sport for players of all ages that has been around for 70 years. A racquetball match doesn’t require a lot of…
Best Nike boxing shoes
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What are the best Nike boxing shoes? Boxing depends on quick decisions and split-second movements with your hands and feet. Outmaneuvering your opponent requires the freedom…