Steve Ganger

Steve Ganger

Steve Ganger (he/him) has just about seen it all. A long career in the corporate world exposed him to multiple industries and product lines where high-quality manufacturing and dedicated support were essential. An even longer career as a college professor led to a love of research and sorting through complex information. He writes on many subjects but gravitates toward healthcare, fitness, and sports equipment.
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Which showerhead with a hose is best?A shower after a long day can be relaxing for the body and soothing for the mind, while a shower in the morning can awaken your senses…
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Which boombox CD player is best?History often repeats itself. That is the case with the portable boombox that was wildly popular in the 1980s. Users transported these…
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Which tennis bag is best?A relaxing or competitive round of tennis is a great way to spend the day. A lot goes into a tennis match from a preparation standpoint with…