Collette Bliss

Collette Bliss

Colette Bliss (she/her) is a recent college graduate and a perpetual student who uses her refined research methods to discover and share the best products with the public. Somewhat of a minimalist, she believes that finding quality multifunctional products can facilitate an unencumbered lifestyle. When she is not researching and writing product reviews, she enjoys reading literature, exploring the outdoors, and spending time with her husband John and cat Reyla.
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Which baby sling is best? Most babies want — and need — to be held for long periods of time, but unless you have a small army, it can be impossible to hold your little…
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Which baby mobile is best? Babies spend a lot of time lying down on their backs, and they can get bored easily. A mobile is designed to keep your little one’s interest…
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Which canoe dolly is best?Water activities can be the perfect overlap between adventure and relaxation: You can set sail on a calm lake at sunset on your canoe or wind…